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In a refrigeration system, which of th

In a refrigeration system, which of the following statements describes the actions occurring when a solenoid valves, used in conjunction with an unloader head is energized?()

  • AThe solenoid valves directs high pressure gas to the valve lifting device raising the suction valve off its seat and causing one specific cylinder to become unloaded
  • BThe solenoid valves directs high pressure gas to the underside of the unloading piston, causing it to rise and allowing the recirculating ports to be opened
  • CWhen the solenoid valve becomes energized, the valve ports become closed, allowing discharge pressure to build up above the piston, shifting it and causing it to unload
  • DThe solenoid valve allows the refrigerant to pass from the suction chamber to the top of the unloader piston, causing the piston to lift and unload the cylinder

1、In which area of the campus LAN are th

In which area of the campus LAN are the user computers attached to the network?()AcoreBaccessCdistributionDaggregatio

2、Foaming of the oil in a refrigeration

Foaming of the oil in a refrigeration compressor crankcase is caused by ().Arefrigerant boiling out of solution from the lube oilBliquid refri...

3、In a refrigeration system, if the cool

In a refrigeration system, if the cooling water to the condenser fails, the().Abox temperature solenoid valve will closeBexpansion valve will closeCcompressor will shutdownDking valve will ope

4、In a tree directory of a file system,

In a tree directory of a file system, relative path name can be used to find files for improving directory retrieval.To do this, which directory of the followings should be set up?Aparent directoryBchild directoryCworking directoryDhome directory

5、In the refrigeration system, a shortag

In the refrigeration system, a shortage of refrigerant is indicated by ().Athe compressor short cycling on high pressure cut out switchBhigh suction pressureChigh head pressureDbubbles in the sight gla

6、In a refrigeration system, the refrige

In a refrigeration system, the refrigerant absorbs the latent heat of vaporization in the().AcompressorBcondenserCreceiverDevaporator