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A tackle is “two blocked” when the blo

A tackle is “two blocked” when the blocks are().

  • Aequally sharing the load
  • Bjammed together
  • Cas far apart as possible
  • Drove to the highest mechanical advantage

1、When the dock is refilled with water a

When the dock is refilled with water after docking repair, the first work which should be done by engineers is ()Aigniting boilerBreleasing air in sea water systemCstarting generatorDcut off shore power

2、When a clarifier is running the impuri

When a clarifier is running the impurities and water collect at the bowl ().AcenterBperipheryCinletDupper part

3、A tackle by which the outer end of a b

A tackle by which the outer end of a boom is raised and lowered is the topping().AboomBliftCraiseDtackle

4、In a diesel engine, when the fuel is i

In a diesel engine, when the fuel is injected into the cylinder,()Athe piston is just coming upward from the bottom dead centerBthe piston h...

5、A block and tackle is rove to advantag

A block and tackle is rove to advantage. This means that the().Ablocks have been overhauledBhauling parts of two tackles are attachedChauling part leads through the movable blockDhauling part leads through the standing block

6、When a boiler is operating, the water

When a boiler is operating, the water level in the gauge glass reads () when the boiler is shut down.Alower thanBhigher thanCas much asDthe same a