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With one or more cylinders out of oper

With one or more cylinders out of operation, the engine speed must be reduced because()

  • Ain such cases, the air supply is no longer optimal, the thermal load will be higher
  • Bgovernor hunting will occur
  • Ctorsional vibrations as other mechanical vibrations may occur
  • Dall of the above are correct

1、One end of a cylinder for a medium or

One end of a cylinder for a medium or high-speed diesel engine is sealed by the piston and rings, the other end is sealed by the ()AcrankcaseBcylinder headCvalve coverDengine frame

2、()is a space system using one or more

()is a space system using one or more artificial earth satellites.ASatellite networkBSatellite linkCGMDSSDSatellite system

3、More than one stage of evaporation can

More than one stage of evaporation can take place by admitting the sea water into chambers with progressively () pressure in the flash evaporator.AlowerBhigherCthe lowerDthe higher

4、Please mark (out) one of the most impo

Please mark (out) one of the most important register of shipping in the world. ().AHK MARDEPBCOSCOCLloyd's SocietyDLiberia Shipping Registry

5、()is a space system using one or more

()is a space system using one or more artificial earth satellites.Asatellite networkBSatellite LinkCINMARSATDSatellite System

6、() is one of the quality planning out

() is one of the quality planning outputs.AScope base lineBCost of qualityCProduct specificationDQuality checklist