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Your vessel has lifeboats on both side

Your vessel has lifeboats on both sides. Lifeboat No. 2 is located().

  • Aforward of lifeboat No. 4 on the starboard side
  • Bforward of lifeboat No. 4 on the port side
  • Caft of lifeboat No. 1 on the starboard side
  • DAll of the above

1、Between the side frames on a vessel, s

Between the side frames on a vessel, support for the deck beams is provided by().AstanchionBbracketsCweb framesDdeck stringer

2、A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel w

A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessel’s stability by().Aincreasing the righting momentBdecreasing the vessel's displacementCincreasing the reserve buoyancyDshifting the CG(center of gravity)off center

3、Each open lifeboat carried on a vessel

Each open lifeboat carried on a vessel on an international voyage must have().Ahand-propelling gearBa davit span with at least 2 lifelinesCa mast and a sailDa motor

4、After your vessel has been involved in

After your vessel has been involved in a casualty,you are required to make your logbooks,bell books,etc.,available to().Aattorneys for opposition partiesBmarine surveyorsCMSA officialsDAll of the above

5、Your vessel has completed an inspectio

Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate().Ahas ...

6、Your()working on my vessel has acknowl

Your()working on my vessel has acknowledged the truth of and liability for the damage.ArepresentativeBDPCship-ownerDma