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Every vessel which is directed by thes

Every vessel which is directed by these Rules to keep out of the way of another vessel shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,avoid().

  • ACrossing ahead of the other
  • BCrossing astern of the other
  • CPassing port to port
  • DPassing starboard to starboard

1、Every lifeboat which is fitted with a

Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus with()which is separately mounted shall be provided with arran...

2、A vessel’s LCG is determined by().

A vessel’s LCG is determined by().Adividing the total longitudinal moment summations by displacementBdividing the total vertical moment summations by displacementCmultiplying the MTC by the longitudinal momentsDsubtracting LCF from LCB

3、Which is supplied to the vessel by the

Which is supplied to the vessel by the MSA().ABell bookBCargo gear registerCOfficial LogbookDRough Logbook

4、Vessel constrained by her draught is()

Vessel constrained by her draught is().Aa non-power driven vesselBa sailing vesselCa power driven vesselDa power driven vessel or a non-power driven vessel

5、Every lifeboat which is fitted with a

Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way()radiotelephone apparatus with an antenna which is separately mounted shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its operating position.AHFBVHFCMFDMF/HF

6、The direction in which a vessel is ste

The direction in which a vessel is steered is the course. The path actually followed is the ().ArouteBtrackCheadingDcourse over the ground