目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

35.—Mr Wang,must I come again on Sunda

35.—Mr Wang,must I come again on Sunday morning to clean the windows?—No,you _________.I have asked others to do it.

  • A don’t have to
  • B mustn’ t
  • C can’t
  • D shouldn't

35.A【解析】句意:——王老师,我必须周日早晨来擦窗户吗?——不必了,我已经安排别人做了。从题干中的“I have asked others to doit.”可知提问者不必在周日早晨来擦窗户了。you don't have to= you needn't ;mustn't不许,禁止。故选A。


1、Mr. John was busy,()he could not come.

Mr. John was busy,()he could not come.AbutBthereforeCandDnor

2、Would you rather come on Friday or Sat

Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday?()AYes, of courseBNo, thanksCIt doesn't matterDFriday

3、“I hope you come again.”的意思是()。

“I hope you come again.”的意思是()。AA、欢迎您再来BB、明天见CC、非常感谢DD、很高兴见到您

4、Mr Wang is going to teach you maths()o

Mr Wang is going to teach you maths()one year.AwithBonCforDto

5、How long has Mr.Wang been here?

How long has Mr.Wang been here? 点击开始播放听力mp3:{MP3:http://wximg.233.com/attached/media/20130819/20130819161520262026.mp3}根据听到的内容回...

6、Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking?()

Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking?()AYes. This is Mr Wang speaking.BYes. Can I speak to Mr Wang?CSorry, you'd better ask Mr Wang.DNo, I can't speak.