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I________ writing the article by the t

I________ writing the article by the time you get back.

  • Ashall finish 
  • Bmust have finished
  • Chave finished
  • Dshall have finished



1、25. By recycling __________ of the rub

25. By recycling __________ of the rubbish can be turned into useful things.A allB mostC very littleD none

2、The passage is mainly developed by ___

The passage is mainly developed by _______.Aanalyzing causesBmaking comparisonsCexamining differencesDfollowing the time order

3、The purpose of the writing is to _____

The purpose of the writing is to ______.A promote scenic spots in Canada B advertise for the sports in BanffC introduce tourist activities in Banff D describe breathtaking views in Banff

4、The voters were ______largely by a des

The voters were ______largely by a desire for change.A motionedB motoredC motivatedD motived

5、The best title for the article is ____

The best title for the article is ______.A Kidnapping AnnouncementB Childrens CareC Kidnapping AlertD Watch Your Kids

6、7. They spent _______writing the repor

7. They spent _______writing the report.A the all morningB the whole morningC morningD all morning