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A lubricant often has to perform many

A lubricant often has to perform many duties in any situation, in addition to its fundamental job of ().

  • Aresisting oxidization
  • Breducing friction
  • Cpromoting moving speed
  • Ddeveloping inertia

1、______he has many friends,he is often

______he has many friends,he is often feeling lonely.AAsBWhenCWhileDSince

2、A:()often do you go to the cinema? B:

A:()often do you go to the cinema? B: I go to the cinema once a weekAWhatBHowCWhy

3、Many of the activities performed durin

Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in(1),but in much greater depth than before. Du...

4、Many of the activities performed duri

Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in(1),but in much greater depth than before. Duri...

5、Many grandchildren form a close()to th

Many grandchildren form a close()to their grandparents.AcontroversyBresentmentCsubmissionDattachment

6、Many of the activities performed durin

Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in(71) , but in much greater depth than before....