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If you must jump from a ship,your post

If you must jump from a ship,your posture should include().

  • Aholding down the life preserver against the chest with one arm crossing the other,covering the mouth and nose with a hand,and feet together
  • Bknees bent and held close to the body with both arms around legs
  • Cbody straight and arms held tightly at the sides for feet first entry into the water
  • Dboth hands holding the life preserver below the chin,with knees bent,and legs crossed

1、If you burned your arm on a bare steam

If you burned your arm on a bare steam line, the most effective immediate treatment would be to()Awrap the arm in a tight bandageBsoak the arm in hot salt waterCcover the burn with petroleum jellyDput the burn in cold water

2、If you have to jump in the water when

If you have to jump in the water when abandoning a vessel,your legs should be().Aspread apart as far as possibleBheld as tightly against your chest as possibleCin a kneeling positionDextended straight down and crossed at the ankle

3、If you log a distress message,it must

If you log a distress message,it must include the().Asea stateBnames of witnessesCtime of its occurrenceDwind direction and velocity

4、If you must enter a room or compartmen

If you must enter a room or compartment to combat the fire, keep an escape path ().AopenBcloseCopensDclose

5、If you change from a low pour point lu

If you change from a low pour point lubricant to a high pour point lubricant in a refrigeration system, ().Acompressor lubrication will be improvedBoil will not leave the crankcaseCcompressor valves will be damagedDoil may congeal in the evaporator

6、If you are forced to abandon ship in a

If you are forced to abandon ship in a lifeboat,you should().Aremain in the immediate vicinityBhead for the nearest landChead for the closest sea-lanesDvote on what to do,so all hands will have a part in the decisio