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An old lady was living next door. I he

An old lady was living next door. I heard her()as I passed her room last night.

  • Ais coughing
  • Bcoughing
  • Cto be coughing
  • Dto coug

1、Opening the door, he found himself()by

Opening the door, he found himself()by a dozen policemen with guns.AconfrontedBmetCfacedDsought

2、There was a knock at the door. It was

There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone ()(打扰我) that evening.

3、If he was fitter, he()live longer.

If he was fitter, he()live longer.A–(不填)BwillCwouldDca

4、The old lady has never ______the house

The old lady has never ______the house since she moved in.A been awayB leftC livedD stayed at

5、The news made the old lady very()

The news made the old lady very()AsadderBsadCsadlyDsadne

6、______________he was an old customer,

______________he was an old customer, the boss allowed 5% discount off theprices of the goods.AGaveBTo give thatCGiven thatDGiving that