目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

Having been found guilty,the man was g

Having been found guilty,the man was given a severe__________by the judge。

  • Acrisis
  • Bcrime
  • Csentence
  • Dservice



1、33. The young man was often seen _____

33. The young man was often seen _______, by the lake.Ato drawBto drawingCdrawDdrew

2、Having entered the hall, she found a c

Having entered the hall, she found a chair in one corner and _______herself silently.A sittingB satC seatingD seated

3、Having been on the()for the whole mon

Having been on the()for the whole month, the criminal decided to turn himself in to the police.AescapedBcaughtCwayDru

4、The big man has always been eating on

The big man has always been eating on the go,()he has got stomachache.AsoBhoweverCasDbecause

5、10. Who is the man _______was talking

10. Who is the man _______was talking to our English teacher?A heB thatC whichD whom

6、The new assembly line having been adop

The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced()cars in as the year before.Aas twice manyBtwice many asCtwice as manyDas many as twice