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Faulty operation of any system is indi

Faulty operation of any system is indicated by very definite ().

  • Asymptoms
  • Bsamples
  • Ctraces
  • Dtrack

1、How is the Master or operator of a ves

How is the Master or operator of a vessel required to keep the crew informed of the regulations concerning the discharging of garbage overboar...

2、Which of the following is operated fro

Which of the following is operated from the main engine room console on an automated vessel?()AFire pump and lube oil pumpBLube oil pump and distilling plantCDistilling plant and shaft alley doorDShaft alley door and fixed CO2 release

3、Loran-C is which type of system().

Loran-C is which type of system().AReflected electronBElectrical radiationCQuarterpoint electrical navigationDHyperbolic radio navigatio

4、Faulty operation of diesel engine fuel

Faulty operation of diesel engine fuel injection nozzles can be directly caused by ().Awater in the fuel oil supplyBexcessive fuel nozzle holder coolingCa distorted fuel spray patternDleakage past the plunger into the oil drai

5、Faulty operation of diesel engine fuel

Faulty operation of diesel engine fuel injection nozzles can be a direct cause of().Aexcessive fuel nozzle holder coolingBsediment in the fuel supplyCdistortion of the fuel spray patternDimproper atomization of the fuel

6、●The two goals of an operation system

●The two goals of an operation system are(71)and efficiency.(71)AconvenienceBquickCoptimizeDstandardize