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Catenary as applied to tow lines denot

Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the().

  • Adip of the line
  • Bstretch of the line
  • Cstrain on the line
  • Dlength of the line

1、The correction to be applied to a Lora

The correction to be applied to a Loran-C reading when matching a sky wave to a ground wave may be found().Aon loran charts covering areas...

2、()is not ordinarily applied to passeng

()is not ordinarily applied to passenger or to combination passenger and freight ships.Adisplacement tonnageBdeadweight tonnageCregistered tonnageDgross tonnage

3、I am ready()tow line.

I am ready()tow line.AcastBto cast ofCcast offDto cast off

4、The term “proper metering”, as applied

The term “proper metering”, as applied to a diesel fuel injection system, can be best defined as ().Adelivering the same quantity of fuel ...

5、Collision rules()apply to all vessels

Collision rules()apply to all vessels upon the high seas.AshouldBmustCshallDhave to

6、To reduce the amount of catenary you m

To reduce the amount of catenary you may().Ashorten the hawser or increase the tug's speedBlengthen the hawser or reduce the tug's speedCplace your tug in ironsDmake a sharp tur