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Any friction fit, tightness or adhesio

Any friction fit, tightness or adhesion of the part of any load being lifted should be broken by wedge or tapping and not by increasing the load on the applianceAccording to this sentence, ()

  • Athe lifting appliance can always lift the freight within its rated load
  • Battention should be paid in order not to break the wedge when lifting cargo
  • Csometimes the lifting work needs other assistance other than the lifting appliance
  • Dlifting work should be done with every part fit, tightness or adhesio

1、()means any person by whom or in whose

()means any person by whom or in whose name a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a shipper.AChartererBConsigneeCConsignorDCarrier

2、We can hardly accept any marks()or dam

We can hardly accept any marks()or damage()the cargo.Amixed/toBmixing/toCbeing mixed/forDbeing mixed/of

3、Large pipes or () are fitted between t

Large pipes or () are fitted between the steam and water drums to ensure good natural circulation of water.Afire-tubesBfurnacesCdown-comersDsoot-blower

4、Any ships fitted with SES can()and()th

Any ships fitted with SES can()and()through the satellite system when sending a distress alert.Aenter the system / contact an RCCBaccess to ...

5、A deck fitting,used to secure line or

A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns is called a().AbittBbollardCcapstanDcleat

6、The amount of fluid friction or intern

The amount of fluid friction or internal friction inherent in a mineral lubricating oil is reflected as a measure of its ().Aspecific gravityBviscosityCS E numberDhydrolytic stability