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The transmission system transmitting p

The transmission system transmitting power from the engine to the propeller is composed of shafts, bearings, and()

  • Apropeller
  • Bflying wheel
  • Cmain engine
  • Dcrankshaft

1、The range of a SSB transmission is MOS

The range of a SSB transmission is MOST affected by().Aatmospheric noise and radiated powerBthe frequency band selected and time of day or nightCinterference and position of the moonDradiated power and nearness to shore

2、The System Storage P

The System Storage Productivity Center can manage which of the following IBM tape devices?()A TS3500 B TS7700 C TS7650 D TS3400

3、The transmission of messages respectin

The transmission of messages respecting the dangers specified is free()cost to the ships concerned.AofBonCatDi

4、The crankshaft receives and transmits

The crankshaft receives and transmits the full working power of the engine and is subjected to fluctuating ().Abending stresses弯曲应力Btorsion stresses扭转应力Cshear stresses剪应力DAll of the above

5、The transmission of a()indicates that

The transmission of a()indicates that a ship is in distress and requires immediate assistance.Aurgent trafficBdistress alertCroutine trafficDNAVTEX message

6、The transmission time duration of a si

The transmission time duration of a single pulse of radio-frequency energy is a function of the().ApersistenceBpulse repetition rateCpulse lengthDresolutio