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()behalf of my owners, I give you my f

()behalf of my owners, I give you my formal notice.

  • AAt
  • BOn
  • COf
  • DI

1、I put my coat here? Sorry, you()

I put my coat here? Sorry, you()AMay; mustn'tBDo; don'tCcan; needn'tDMay; can't

2、It()that I met one of my old classmate

It()that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.Atook placeBoccurredCbroke outDhappened

3、My I have two()instead of beans, pleas

My I have two()instead of beans, please?Acorn's earBcorn earsCear of cornsDears of cor

4、I can not()you on my radar.

I can not()you on my radar.AlocateBlook forCwatchDlook out

5、How ______ of you to remember my birth

How ______ of you to remember my birthday!A thoughtfulB thoughtfullyC carefulD carefully

6、My I have two()instead of beans, pleas

My I have two()instead of beans, please?Acorn’s earBcorn earsCear of cornsDears of cor