目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

Marry, as well as Tom, ______ a key to

Marry, as well as Tom, ______ a key to the office.

  • A have
  • B having
  • C to have
  • D has

1、Signs can carry as many _________ as w

Signs can carry as many _________ as words.Aquestions Bexamples Ctears and smiles Dmessages

2、His hands _______ a little as he took

His hands _______ a little as he took up a pen and began to write.AwavedBshookCraisedD1ifted

3、As a result of the radio ______for hel

As a result of the radio ______for help for the earthquake victims. over a million pounds has been raised.A appealB callC programD advertisement

4、As it was a stormy night, ______ peopl

As it was a stormy night, ______ people went to see the film.A a fewB fewC severalD many

5、7. She can do it as _________ as Linda

7. She can do it as _________ as Linda.AgoodB wellC betterD best

6、As wholesalers(批发商) we are ____ to han

As wholesalers(批发商) we are ____ to handle large quantities.A of a positionB in the positionC at a positionD in a position