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The damaged cargo is not allowed to ex

The damaged cargo is not allowed to export without().

  • Arepairing or replacing
  • Bto repair or to replace
  • Cbeing repaired or replaced
  • Dto be repaired or replaced

1、For a general cargo ship, is not the n

For a general cargo ship, is not the necessary certificate/document that the PSCO will examine()ASurvey Report FileBMinimum Safe Manning documentCCertificates of CompetencyDInternational Oil Pollution Preventio

2、An operator is asked to verify the ex

An operator is asked to verify the exact location of the default JRE binary. The following commands were run:$ which java /usr/bin/java$ ls -l...

3、Damage to cargo caused by dust is know

Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as().AcontaminationBoxidationCtaintingDvaporizatio

4、If a full cargo is not loaded,the Char

If a full cargo is not loaded,the Charterer must pay not only freight on the goods actually shipped but also().Abroken spaceBdead weightCconstantDdead freight

5、The additional cargo is to be loaded()

The additional cargo is to be loaded()board our ship.AonBinCfromDwith

6、The cargo is liable to burn.Please kee

The cargo is liable to burn.Please keep it()the engine room.Aout ofBaway fromCfrom awayDout from