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In plugging submerged holes on a vesse

In plugging submerged holes on a vessel,rags,wedges,and other materials should be used in conjunction with plugs to().

  • Areduce the water pressure on the hull
  • Breduce the water leaking around the plugs
  • Cprevent progressive flooding
  • Dreduce the possibility of stress fracture

1、A vessel is “in sight” of another vess

A vessel is “in sight” of another vessel when().Ashe can be observed by radarBshe can be observed visually from the other vesselCshe can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her headingDher fog signal can be heard

2、An inconspicuous,partly submerged vess

An inconspicuous,partly submerged vessel or object being towed,where the length of tow is 100 meters,shall show().Ayellow lights at each endBtwo red lights in a vertical lineCa black ballDa diamond shape

3、A bilge suction line,in a fishing vess

A bilge suction line,in a fishing vessel with more than 16 individuals aboard,must have a strainer with an open area not less than how many times the open area of the suction line?()AoneBtwoCthreeDfour

4、In a crossing situation on internation

In a crossing situation on international waters, a short blast by the give-way vessel indicates that the vessel().Ais holding course and speedBis turning to starboardCintends to pass port to portDwill keep out of the way of the stand-on vessel

5、In a crossing situation,a stand-on ves

In a crossing situation,a stand-on vessel which is forced to take action in order to avoid collision with a vessel on her own port side shall,if possible,avoid().Aturning to portBturning to starboardCdecreasing speedDincreasing speed

6、A wooden plug fitted tightly in the ve

A wooden plug fitted tightly in the vent of a damaged tank may prevent the tank from().Afilling completelyBdeveloping free surfaceCdeveloping free surface momentDcollapsing