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The computer system()suddenly while he

The computer system()suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

  • Abroke down
  • Bbroke out
  • Cbroke up
  • Dbroke i

1、We have had a new computer system()

We have had a new computer system()AinstallBinstalledCinstallingDto install

2、Computer systems consist of two very d

Computer systems consist of two very different types of elements:Hardware,which includes all the physical things that can be touched and(),which tells thehardware how to do.ASoftwareBCoursewareCOperatingsystemDI/Odevice

3、The sudden reduction of pressure occur

The sudden reduction of pressure occurring within the crankcase of a refrigeration compressor during starting causes the ().Asudden evaporation ...

4、He's responsible()the central computer

Hes responsible()the central computer system.AinBforCof

5、()是Small Computer System Interface(小型计

()是Small Computer System Interface(小型计算机系统接口)的简称。目前SCSI总线支持()的数据传输,并具有多线程()功能,可以从多个SCSI设备中同时存取数据。

6、While studying he was financially depe

While studying he was financially dependent ()his wife.AtoBofConDfrom