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The wire ropes and blocks, or pulleys,

The wire ropes and blocks, or pulleys, on a ship are called().

  • Athe apparatus
  • Bequipment
  • Criggings
  • Dfitting

1、Temporary seizings on wire rope are ma

Temporary seizings on wire rope are made with().AmarlineBsail twineCtapeDwire

2、If the length of a wire is halved and

If the length of a wire is halved and the cross-sectional area is doubled, the resistance will be ()AquarteredBunchangedCdoubledDquadrupled

3、On your vessel,a wire rope for the car

On your vessel,a wire rope for the cargo gear shows signs of excessive wear and must be replaced. In ordering a new wire for this 10-ton boom,what safety factor should you use?()AThreeBFiveCSixDSeve

4、When cutting wire rope,seizings are pu

When cutting wire rope,seizings are put on each side of the cut.The seizings prevent the wire from unlaying and also().AMaintain the original...

5、In a combination chain and wire rope m

In a combination chain and wire rope mooring system,the anchor chain is deployed at the anchor end of the line to().Aincrease fatigue life of the systemBreduce the time to retrieve the lineCincrease the holding powerDreduce the catenary

6、A wire rope that has been overstrained

A wire rope that has been overstrained will show().Aa bulge in the wire where the strain occurredBa decrease in diameter where the strain occurredCa kink in the wire where the strain occurredDno visible effects of an overstrai