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一John and l will celebrate our fortie

一John and l will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month. 一Oh,()。

  • Awell done!
  • Bcheer up!
  • Cgo on!
  • Dcongratulations!

1、As agreed.our bank will_______ your 30

As agreed.our bank will_______ your 30 d/s drafts ______them _____the amount of your CIf invoice value.A pay.For, toB accept, on forC honor.for, toD meet, on for

2、Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong

Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong on Sunday.AinBatConDto

3、We will start as soon as our team lead

We will start as soon as our team leader__________.AcomesBwill comeCcomeDis coming

4、John and Mary()for years before they g

John and Mary()for years before they got married.Ahad been in loveBhad broken upChad separatedDhad been divorced

5、Our manager will look into the matter

Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little()AwaitBtimeCpatienceDrest

6、All of our customers will be contacted

All of our customers will be contacted()Aby mailBby the mailCby mailsDby a mail