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The profit from the camage of cargo,wh

The profit from the camage of cargo,which is often called(),keeps the mer-chant ship running.

  • Aobligation
  • Bfreight
  • Ccontract
  • Ddelivery

1、The inability to supply a cargo of the

The inability to supply a cargo of the contractual quantity in the country of shipment()the doctrine of frustration into operation.Ais capable of bringingBis sufficient to bringCis not capable of bringingDis probally to bring

2、When the vessel arrives, the cargo of

When the vessel arrives, the cargo of machinery to be unloaded is().Atranspored to the ships sideBtransported into the shedClashed and securedDdelivered to the consignor

3、If the moisture content of the cargo s

If the moisture content of the cargo sample is()the Transportable Moisture Limit,then the cargo should be safe to load.AaboveBbelowCequal toDuncertai

4、Port of Registry refers to the port wh

Port of Registry refers to the port where().Athe ship has been namedBthe ship has been builtCthe ship has been signedDthe ship has been registered

5、()means the Government of the State wh

()means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.AAssemblyBOrganizationCCompanyDAdministratio

6、For the purpose of the Rules,except wh

For the purpose of the Rules,except where otherwise required,the term().Avessel includes seaplanesBseaplane includes non-displacement craftCvessel...