目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

Because of its intimacy, radio is usua

Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is _______ .

  • AA firm B company C corporation D enterprise



1、VHF Radio is one of the very important

VHF Radio is one of the very important navigational instruments on board,()messages can be sent.Aby whichBthrough whichCby thatDthrough that

2、Your vessel is listening because of a

Your vessel is listening because of a negative GM. To lower G below M, you should().AdeballastBtransfer weight to the high sideCballast on the high sideDadd we ght symmetrically below G

3、30. Radio is used a lot because_______

30. Radio is used a lot because__________ _.Ait costs less than TVBit costs more than TVCit is not so cheap as TVD people cant know the news on TV

4、Communication is important because it

Communication is important because it can help people to ______.Aunderstand the world and other people better around us.Bteach each other to spe...

5、Beijing is()capital of China. It's()ve

Beijing is()capital of China. Its()very big city.Aa;theBthe;aCa;a

6、VHF radio is one of the very important

VHF radio is one of the very important navigational instruments on board,()messages can be sent.Aby whichBthrough whichCby thatDthrough that