可学答题网 > 问答 > 00830现代语言学题库
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Language is arbitrary in that there is

Language is arbitrary in that there is no logical connection between meanings and().

  • Awords
  • Bsounds
  • Cobjects
  • Didea

1、There is a growing realization that th

There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle()is to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels.ApermissionBemissionComissionDMissio

2、A(n)()indicates that there is serious

A(n)()indicates that there is serious danger for vessel, crew and passenger.Adistress alertBurgency messageCsafety messageDroutine message

3、There is a possibility that small vess

There is a possibility that small vessel,ice and other floating objects may not be()by radar at an adequate range.AreflectBshownCdetectedDdefected

4、Why is first language forbidden in a D

Why is first language forbidden in a Direct Method classroom?

5、It is()that we could only stay there f

It is()that we could only stay there for three weeks.AsadnessBsadlyCsadDsaddened

6、An()indicates that there is imminent r

An()indicates that there is imminent risk for navigation.Adistress alertBurgency messageCsafety messageDroutine message