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A twin screw vessel,making headway wit

A twin screw vessel,making headway with both engines turning ahead,will turn more readily to starboard if you().

  • Areverse port engine,apply right rudder
  • Breverse port engine,rudder amidships
  • Creverse starboard engine,apply right rudder
  • Dreverse starboard engine,rudder amidshi

1、A twin-screw vessel with a single rudd

A twin-screw vessel with a single rudder is making headway. The engines are full speed ahead. There is no wind or current. Which statement is...

2、On a twin-screw,twin-rudder vessel,the

On a twin-screw,twin-rudder vessel,the most effective way to turn in your own water,with no way on,is to put().Aone engine ahead and one ...

3、In a twin screw ship going half-ahead

In a twin screw ship going half-ahead , both screws turning outboard and the rudder amidships,no current or wind,the vessel will().Amove bodily to portBmove bodily to starboardCmove in a zig-zag motionDsteer a fairly straight course

4、You are landing a single-screw vessel,

You are landing a single-screw vessel,with a right-hand propeller,starboard side to the dock.When you have approached the berth and back the e...

5、A twin-screw vessel is easier to maneu

A twin-screw vessel is easier to maneuver than a single-screw vessel because the twin-screw vessel().Apermits the rudder to move fasterBgenerates more powerCcan turn without using her rudderDcan suck the water away from the rudder

6、A twin-screw ship going ahead on the o

A twin-screw ship going ahead on the otarboard screw only tends to move().Ain a straight lineBto portCfrom side to sideDto starboard