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A seaman is reported missing in the mo

A seaman is reported missing in the morning and was last seen after coming off the mid-watch. Which type of turn would you use to return to the trackline steamed during the night?()

  • AWilliamson
  • BRacetrack
  • C180°turn
  • DAnderso

1、The bank is reported ________ in the l

The bank is reported ________ in the local newspaper in broad daylight yesterday.A[A] to be robbedB[B] robbedC[C] to have been robbedD[D] having been robbed

2、A magnetic strainer is used in the die

A magnetic strainer is used in the diesel engine reduction gear oil system to remove small particles of().AwaterBbabbittCiron or steelDacid

3、The steering oar in a lifeboat is().

The steering oar in a lifeboat is().Ashorter than the othersBused for the stroke oarCused by the forward man in the boat to direct the bowDlonger than the others and should be lashed to the ster

4、A system administrator is in the proce

A system administrator is in the process of performing a preservation installation. However, the machine keeps booting up in diagnostic mode. Wh...

5、After a seaman is discharged,at the en

After a seaman is discharged,at the end of the voyage,the final payment of wages due must be made at the earlier of within 24 hours after...

6、The air filter is fixed in the () of a

The air filter is fixed in the () of an air compressor.Ainlet pipeBoutlet pipeCinter coolerDafter cooler