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— Our holiday cost a lot of money.— Di

— Our holiday cost a lot of money.— Did it? Well, that doesn’t matter______ you enjoyed yourselves.

  • Aas long as
  • Bunless
  • Cas soon as
  • Dthough

1、I have spent a lot of time()working on

I have spent a lot of time()working on this problem.AatB–(不填)ConDwith

2、AMan invented a lot of sports equipmen

AMan invented a lot of sports equipment. The first true piece was the ball.Thousands of years ago,in Egypt,the childrens favorite game was ...

3、()is not a physical wall, but a lot of

()is not a physical wall, but a lot of virtual data to protect the computer network.AData wallBData ChannelCData baseDfirewall

4、When she retired she did a lot of()wor

When she retired she did a lot of()work for the Red Cross.AvalidBportableCprosperousDvoluntary

5、A large sum of money has been raised f

A large sum of money has been raised for the()of the poorly educated children in the mountainous districts.AprofitBfavorCadvantageDbenefit

6、There are a lot of news()today's newsp

There are a lot of news()todays newspaperAinBonCatDwith