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For practical purposes, in a simple se

For practical purposes, in a simple series circuit, the source voltage will be dropped across one resistor if it has().

  • Ahalf the resistance of the other resistor
  • Ba resistance equal to the other
  • Cat least ten times the resistance of the other
  • Da partial short circuit

1、In a simple series circuit, the entire

In a simple series circuit, the entire source voltage will drop across ()Athe resistor next to the negative terminalBa short circuitCthe resistor next to the positive terminalDan open circuit

2、The main purpose of inspection for a r

The main purpose of inspection for a running diesel engine is()Atesting for the mechanical load and the thermal loadBinspecting thermal and me...

3、In order for a vessel to be engaged in

In order for a vessel to be engaged in fishing she must be().AunderwayBusing gear which extends more than 50 meters outboardCusing a seine of some typeDusing gear which restricts her maneuverability

4、For what purpose did the school ask a

For what purpose did the school ask a retired policeman to offer a class? 请阅读Passage 2,完成以下小题。 Passage 2 Briti...

5、In a simple mechanical governor, the (

In a simple mechanical governor, the ().Acentrifugal force rotates the ball-headBflyweight centrifugal force is balanced by spring forceCflyweight centrifugal force is balanced by hydraulic pressureDspeeder spring alone actuates the fuel control rod

6、For many purposes possession of a bill

For many purposes possession of a bill of lading()equivalent in law to possession of the goods.AhaveBhasCareDi