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Let me()the case carefully before I dr

Let me()the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.

  • Alook out
  • Blook into
  • Clook after

1、I wish that he()to the movies with me

I wish that he()to the movies with me yesterday.AwentBcould goCwas goneDcould have gone

2、Before the sales start, I make a list

Before the sales start, I make a list of ______ my kids will need for the coming season.A whyB whatC howD which

3、Let’s submit the case() the cargo surv

Let’s submit the case() the cargo surveyor.AtoBofCforDabout

4、It took me a long time before I was ab

It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they __ for me.A had doneB didC would doD were doing

5、Excuse me, how can I get to the neares

Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? ()AIt‘s not very far from here.BThe supermarket is very large.CThe goods there are very expensiveDSorry, sir. I‘m a stranger here myself

6、Before I got to the cinema, the film()

Before I got to the cinema, the film()Ahad begunBhas begunCis begu