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The peace agreement on Northern Irelan

The peace agreement on Northern Ireland was approved by voters across all of Ireland in a referendum held in().

  • AApril 1997 
  • BMay 1997
  • CApril 1998 
  • DMay 1998

1、The creation of Northern Ireland dates

The creation of Northern Ireland dates from().when the Irish Free State was set up.A1916B1921C1937D1949

2、D Sitting on the peaceful coast of the

D Sitting on the peaceful coast of the Calapagon Islands. Ecuador , watching the sun move quietly into the sea, you shouldn’t forget the Cha...

3、The()of the peace talks led to renewed

The()of the peace talks led to renewed fighting.AlikelihoodBabnormalCcollapseDaccumulatio

4、The Agreement sha1l commence()a satisf

The Agreement sha1l commence()a satisfactory Medical Report by a doctor nominated by the Company.Aon the part ofBin lieu ofCsubject toDin accordance with

5、In the Northern Hemisphere the major o

In the Northern Hemisphere the major ocean currents tend to flow().Aclockwise around the North Atlantic and North Pacific OceansBclockwise or c...

6、No agreement was () in the discussion

No agreement was () in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.AarrivedBobtainedCreachedDgained