目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

( ) –I think English is __________ mat

( ) –I think English is __________ math.–Yes, I think so.

  • Amuch important than
  • Bso important as
  • Cas important as
  • Das more important as

1、______ I like about her is her diligen

______ I like about her is her diligence.A ThatB HowC WhatD Which

2、—May I use your bike? _______ is broke

—May I use your bike? _______ is broken.A—Sure.BA. My Mine C.Yours

3、9.I think doing the dishes _________ .

9.I think doing the dishes _________ .A are boringB are boredC is boringD is bored

4、8. —What is this in English ?—______.

8. —What is this in English ?—______.A It ’s a watchB Yes,it isC Its redD This is not mine

5、4.I am afraid he is no longer ________

4.I am afraid he is no longer ________ .AaliveBliveClivingDlives

6、William Wordsworth is an English _____

William Wordsworth is an English _______.AA. poetBB. novelistCC. playwrightDD. critic