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When approaching a fire from win ward,

When approaching a fire from win ward, you should shield firefighters from the fire by using()

  • Alow-velocity fog
  • Bhigh-velocity fog
  • Ca straight stream of water
  • Dfoam spray

1、When you are firing a pyrotechnic dist

When you are firing a pyrotechnic distress signal,it should be aimed().Ahorizontally and directly abeam of your vesselBat the vessel whose attention you want to attractCinto the windDat greater than 60 degrees above the horizo

2、When should a fire be ventilated?()

When should a fire be ventilated?()AWhen attacking the fire directlyBWhen using a steam smothering systemCWhen using the fixed CO2 systemDAll of the above

3、When fighting a fire with a portable d

When fighting a fire with a portable dry chemical fire extinguisher,the stream should be directed().Aover the top of the flamesBoff a bulkhead into the fireCin front of the fireDat the base of the fire

4、When must a dry chemical fire extingui

When must a dry chemical fire extinguisher be recharged?()AAfter each useBWhen the air temperature exceeds 90°FCEvery 6 monthsDEvery 12 month

5、A vessel approaching your vessel from

A vessel approaching your vessel from 235°relative is in what type of situation?().AMeetingBOvertakingCCrossingDPassing

6、When approaching a preferred-channel b

When approaching a preferred-channel buoy,the best channel is NOT indicated by the().Alight characteristicBcolor of the uppermost bandCshape of an unlighted buoyDcolor of the light