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A vessel not using a traffic separatio

A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as()as is practicable.

  • Awide a place
  • Bwide a margin
  • Cwide enough
  • Dwide

1、A vessel not under command sounds the

A vessel not under command sounds the same fog signal as a vessel().AtowingBconstrained by her draftCunder sailDAll of the above

2、A vessel not under command making way

A vessel not under command making way at night would show().Atwo all-round red lights in a vertical lineBanchor lights and sidelightsCtwo all-...

3、A vessel not using a traffic separatio

A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid()by as wide margin as practicable.AthemBthatCthisDit

4、A vessel,which does not normally engag

A vessel,which does not normally engage in towing operations,is towing a vessel in distress.She().Aneed not show the lights for a vessel eng...

5、A vessel engaged in()shall not impede

A vessel engaged in()shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within anarrow channel or fairway.Amine clearance operationBtowing operationCdredging or surveying or underwater operationDfishing

6、A vessel may enter a traffic separatio

A vessel may enter a traffic separation zone().Ain an emergencyBto engage in fishing within the zoneCto cross the traffic separation schemeDAll of the above