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If in doubt as to the true water level

If in doubt as to the true water level when a boiler is being oil-fired, you should ().

  • Atake no measures
  • Bextinguish the fire as soon as possible
  • Cfeed water to the boiler
  • Dopen the blow down valve

1、If in any doubt as to the pilot’s acti

If in any doubt as to the pilot’s actions or intentions,the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall().Anotify the master immediate...

2、If you have to jump in the water when

If you have to jump in the water when abandoning a vessel,your legs should be().Aspread apart as far as possibleBheld as tightly against your chest as possibleCin a kneeling positionDextended straight down and crossed at the ankle

3、The water level in a steaming auxiliar

The water level in a steaming auxiliary boiler will always ()Arise when the steam pressure is increasedBremain constant as long as the feed pump operatesCfall when the steam pressure is decreasedDvary as the steam demand change

4、When a vessel is in any doubt as to wh

When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall()that it does exist and act accordingly.AconsumeBassumeCperfumeDresume

5、There()to be some doubt as to the law

There()to be some doubt as to the law governing a contract for through carriage partly by land and partly by sea.AlooksBappearsCseesDsight

6、If water is found in the crankcase of

If water is found in the crankcase of a diesel engine, the cause may be due to()Aa cracked cylinder headBa leaky cylinder head gasketCa cracked cylinder linerDany of the above