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When does the next bus leave for Glasg

When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? ()

  • AI‘ve never been there.
  • BThe next one is faster.
  • CThey leave every hour.
  • DThe city is far away.

1、When does the school have dance classe

When does the school have dance classes ?A On 13th and 27thB On 27th and 29thC On 10th and 27thD On 10th and 15th

2、She didn’t leave for the airport () yo

She didn’t leave for the airport () you came.AunlessBuntilCif

3、Excuse me, when is the next flight fro

Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? ()AIn half an hour.BAn hour before.CUntil the next one.DBefore another one.

4、When does the bank close on Saturday?

When does the bank close on Saturday?AA AT 1:00 pmBB AT 3:00 pmCC AT 4:00 pm

5、when does the bank close on Sunday ?

when does the bank close on Sunday ?Aat 1:00pmBat 3:00pmCat 4:00pm

6、Excuse me, does this bus go to the boo

Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore?()AThe bus is so crowded.BThe bookstore is five blocks away.CNo. You‘d better change at the next stop.DYou should wait in line.