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When flammable liquids are handled in

When flammable liquids are handled in a compartment on a vessel,the ventilation for that area should be().

  • Aoperated continuously while vapors may be present
  • Boperated intermittently to remove vapors
  • Cavailable on standby for immediate use
  • Dshut down if an explosive mixture is present

1、When workers are organized in trade un

When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them()AoffBsideCoutDdow

2、Movement of liquid in a tank when a ve

Movement of liquid in a tank when a vessel inclines causes an increase in().Arighting armBmetacentric heightCheight of the uncorrected KGDnatural rolling period

3、When the direction handle of telegraph

When the direction handle of telegraph is moved, the relative position of camshaft and crankshaft will be()Achanged accordinglyBunchangedCpositioned aheadDpositioned aster

4、Fires in escaping flammable gas are qu

Fires in escaping flammable gas are quickly brought under control by()Astopping the flow of gasBreducing the chemical chain reactionCincreasing the oxygen supplyDcooling below the autoignition point

5、When two vessels are in immediate dang

When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision,the stand-on vessel must().Aabandon shipBassist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionChold course and speedDsound a distress signal

6、Small quantities of flammable liquids

Small quantities of flammable liquids needed at a work site should be().Aused only under the supervision and direction of a ship's officer...