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The music was so loud that she had to

The music was so loud that she had to raise her voice to make herself()

  • Ahear
  • Bheard
  • Cto hear
  • Dhearing

1、The fact that she was foreign made dif

The fact that she was foreign made difficult for her to get a job in that country.A so B. much D. that D. it

2、The Queen of Heaven was so angry()she

The Queen of Heaven was so angry()she had Zhi Nu brought back to heaven.AthisBthatCtheseDthose

3、The teacher spoke so fast that it was

The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to()what he was saying.Atake inBtake outCtake upDtake over

4、The question was so difficult that ()

The question was so difficult that () people could answer it.AlittleBafewCfew

5、That she was entered in the REGISTER B

That she was entered in the REGISTER BOOK of this Society,with the Character +100A1 subject to Periodical Surveys as required by the Rules is...

6、()I had the feeling that Tom was lying

()I had the feeling that Tom was lying.ASometimeBSomewhatCSomewhereDSomehow