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22. Jay Chou-s mother sent him to lear

22. Jay Chou-s mother sent him to learn the piano ________ .

  • A in 1982
  • B when he was in primary school
  • C when he was five
  • D when he was in high school



1、The mother whale failed to help her ba

The mother whale failed to help her baby because__________.A she had stayed in the polluted water for too longB the whirlpools she had made w...

2、The author used to think of her mother

The author used to think of her mother’s English as ______.A impoliteB amusingC imperfectD practical

3、He robbed the bank and was sent to()fo

He robbed the bank and was sent to()for three years.Athe prisonBaprisonCprisonsDpriso

4、I tried very hard to persuade him to

I tried very hard to persuade him to join our groups but I met with flat refusal.AdisapprovalBrejectionCrefusalDdecline

5、Mary forgot()a letter to her mother, s

Mary forgot()a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.AwritingBto writeChaving wroteDto have writte

6、()in the leg, the soldier was sent to

()in the leg, the soldier was sent to hospital at once.ASeriously injuredBTo be seriouslyCBeing injured seriouslyDHaving injured