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The Safety of Life at Sea Convention w

The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the().

  • AIMDG conference
  • BAmerican Bureau of Shipping
  • CInternational Maritime Organization
  • DAmerican Institute of Maritime Shipping

1、The sea painter is secured in the life

The sea painter is secured in the lifeboat by().Aa turn around a forward thwart with a toggle pin thru the eyeBa knot around a thwartCan eye splice placed over one of the hooks of the releasing gearDAll of the above

2、The purpose of the GMDSS is to()safety

The purpose of the GMDSS is to()safety of life and property at sea all over the world.ApromoteBimproveCguaranteeDboth A and B

3、At sea, we can use()to fix the ship’s

At sea, we can use()to fix the ship’s position.Asteering gearBLoranCrudder indicatorDlog

4、During the watch keeping at sea, at ap

During the watch keeping at sea, at appropriate intervals inspection should be made of (), auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces by the duty engineer.Athe main propulsion plantBlifesaving jacketsClifeboat engineDstate of emergency generator

5、The()is a series of trials done at sea

The()is a series of trials done at sea to determine whether the ship has met the specifications of design, modification, or repair.ASea trialBBed-testCEngine performanceDPSC inspectio

6、()is a series of trials done at sea to

()is a series of trials done at sea to determine whether the ship has met the specifications of design, modification, or repair.ASEA WORTHINESSBSEA TRIALSCTRIAL-AND-ERRORDDOCK TRIALS