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Jim went to answer the phone . , Harry

Jim went to answer the phone . , Harry started to prepare lunch.

  • A However
  • B Nevertheless
  • C Besides
  • D meanwhile

1、Prof. Ward hardly ever went to the the

Prof. Ward hardly ever went to the theater.A[A] neither the cinema norB[B] neither the cinema orC[C] either the cinema orD[D] either the cinema nor

2、– What's the problem, Harry?-()

– Whats the problem, Harry?-()AI can’t remember where I left my glassesBNo problem at allCThank you for asking me about it

3、28, Mr Henry always went to the town o

28, Mr Henry always went to the town on foot because___________A the town was near to his villageB he had no money to take a busC he was afraid to take a busD there is no bus there

4、How many students went to the hockey g

How many students went to the hockey game?()ANone of them go to the hockey game.BThey seldom go to the hockey game.CThey usually went to the hockey game.DAll of them went to the hockey game.

5、Passage OneMark went to the neighborho

Passage OneMark went to the neighborhood meeting after work. The areas city councilwoman (女议员) was leading a discussion about how the quality...

6、Jim was about to sign the contract but

Jim was about to sign the contract but I().Aput him throughBturned him outCgave him upDcut him short