可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶动力装置题库,海船船员考试题库
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It is necessary for us () after having

It is necessary for us () after having served for a certain period.

  • Ato change the lube oil
  • Bhave the lube oil purified
  • Chave the lube oil burnt
  • Dto analyze the lube oil

1、It is possible,and sometimes necessary

It is possible,and sometimes necessary,to strengthen the deck of a vessel for carriage of deck cargo by().Aplacing bunker on the deckBbuildin...

2、It is necessary to secure the forced v

It is necessary to secure the forced ventilation to a compartment where there is a fire to().Aallow the exhaust fans to remove smokeBextingui...

3、It is very necessary that each cylinde

It is very necessary that each cylinder () before the charged air is compressed.Ais scavengedBis atomized with fuel oilCbe scavengedDbe atomized with fuel oil

4、It is necessary to remove () from the

It is necessary to remove () from the cooling spaces.AscarBscaleCspurDbilge

5、I think it’s()longer necessary for me

I think it’s()longer necessary for me to sign.AnoBnotCnorDneither

6、It is sometimes necessary to moor bow

It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to().Aavoid any swing in a restricted spaceBshelter the ship from strong windsCprevent from touching with other vesselsDmake a convenience of cargo discharging