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Injection lag in a diesel engine may b

Injection lag in a diesel engine may be caused by()

  • Aa higher cetane number of fuel oil
  • Bthe diesel fuel used having a high viscosity
  • Cmechanical rigidity in the lube pump mechanism
  • Da decrease rigidity in the fuel pump delivery pressure

1、Late fuel oil injection in a diesel en

Late fuel oil injection in a diesel engine can result in ()Afuel knockBincreased powerClow compression pressureDhigh exhaust temperature

2、The rate of fuel injection in a diesel

The rate of fuel injection in a diesel engine cylinder depends primarily on ().Athe size of the holes in the fuel nozzleBtiming of the pumpCsupply pressure to the pumpDshape of the combustion chamber

3、In a four-cycle diesel engine piston b

In a four-cycle diesel engine piston blow-by can result in increased()Acrankcase pressureBcompression pressureCscavenge pressureDexhaust manifold pressure

4、Late fuel injection in a diesel engine

Late fuel injection in a diesel engine is indicated by low firing pressure with()Ahigh exhaust temperatureBlow exhaust temperatureCfuel knock in each cylinderDmechanical knock in each cylinder

5、A diesel engine may fail to start due

A diesel engine may fail to start due to ()Alow air charge temperatureBhigh cranking speedCexcessive fuel dilution of lube oilDhigh compression pressure

6、Diesel engine injection lag is caused

Diesel engine injection lag is caused by()Acompressibility of the fuelBhigh fuel oil supply flowCscored plunger and barrel packingDexcessive air turbulence