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Mter the Jury Selection and Service Ac

Mter the Jury Selection and Service Act was passed,( )

  • A[A] sex discrimination in jury selection was unconstitutional and had to be abolished
  • B[B] educational requirements became less rigid in the selection of federal jurors
  • C[C] jurors at the state level ought to be representative of the entire community
  • D[D] states ought to conform. to the federal court in reforming the jury system

在《陪审员选拔和任职法令》通过后,_____。 [A]陪审员选拔中的性别歧视违反宪法,必须被废除 [B]在联邦政府陪审员的选拔中教育要求变得不那么严格 [C]州陪审员应该代表整个社会 [D]在改革陪审制度方面,州应该和联邦法院保持一致 答案解析:[B]事实细节题。文章第四段第二句“This law abolished special educational require.ments for federal jurors and required them to be selected at random from a cross section of the entirecommunity.”提到“这个法令废除了对联邦陪审员在教育方面的一些特殊要求,并要求随机地从来自整个社会各个阶层的人当中选拔”,故[B]为正确答案。[A]、[C]和[D]都是发生在有里程碑意义的1975年泰勒诉路易斯安那的裁决之后,故均可排除。


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