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If you learn to read the signs, you ca

If you learn to read the signs, you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means, or whether, like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs, he is trying to deceive you.()

  • A如果你学会理解这些姿势,你就会分辨出一个人说的是否是他真正的意思,或者他是否像那种“笑里藏刀”的人在试图蒙蔽你。
  • B如果你学会理解这些姿势,你就会分辨出一个人是否口是心非,是否像那种“笑里藏刀”的人试图蒙蔽你。
  • C如果你学会理解这些姿势,你就会分辨出一个人所说的话是否是他真正要表达的东西,是否是那种“笑里藏刀”的人试图蒙蔽你。

1、You didn't have to write the essay if

You didnt have to write the essay if you didnt want to. It was()AcompulsoryBsuitableCalternativeDoptional

2、If you()a conflict prior to the meetin

If you()a conflict prior to the meeting, discuss the issue with participants in advance.AanticipateBparticipateCpreserveDannounce

3、Do you want to pay cash or sign the b

Do you want to pay cash or sign the bill?这句话意思是()。AA、请将您的付帐方式写在帐单上好吗BB、您不必付钱了,帐单上已注明CC、帐单不是清楚显示帐目了吗DD、您想付现金还是在帐单上签字

4、If you have to jump in the water when

If you have to jump in the water when abandoning a vessel,your legs should be().Aspread apart as far as possibleBheld as tightly against your chest as possibleCin a kneeling positionDextended straight down and crossed at the ankle

5、Don't be so shy. You need to learn to(

Dont be so shy. You need to learn to()yourself.AassistBassertCassetDassure

6、You need to read the entire contents o

You need to read the entire contents of a file named Message.txt into a single string variable.Which code segment should you use?()ABCD