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The storm prevented me().

The storm prevented me().

  • Ato go out
  • Bto going out
  • Cfrom being out
  • Dfrom going out

1、The pollution prevention regulations d

The pollution prevention regulations do not apply to the transfer or discharge of ()Abunker fuel for use aboard shipBlubricating oil for use aboard shipCcoconut oil carried in tank vesselsDoily water from a ships bilge

2、______________the storm, the ship woul

______________the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time.ABut forBIn case ofCIn spite ofDBecause of

3、The device used for preventing the pas

The device used for preventing the passage of flames into enclosed spaces is called a ().Aflame relief valveBflame stopperCsafety valveDflame arrester

4、A storm is forecast for the area where

A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored. For its safety you should put ().Amore slack in the mooring linesBa strain on the mooring linesCchafing gear on the mooring linesDgrease on the mooring line

5、During a storm,the chance of fatigue f

During a storm,the chance of fatigue failure of a mooring line will increase as().Avessel motions increaseBmooring tensions decreaseCKG increasesDKG decrease

6、The Pollution Prevention Regulations r

The Pollution Prevention Regulations require that all oil spills in United States water be reported immediately to the ().Alocal port authorityBCorps of EngineersCUSCoast GuardDstate pollution board