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Despite of the variety and individuali

Despite of the variety and individuality, Americans are fond of uniforms because

  • Aa man who wears a uniform. can be respected by others
  • Bthe uniform. looks more professional than common clothes
  • Cthey want to think, speak, and act similarly
  • Dthey are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes



1、The results of the audits and reviews

The results of the audits and reviews () to the attention of all personnel having responsibility in the area involved.Ashould bringBshould be broughtCshould takeDshould be take

2、The daily predictions of the times and

The daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water for a selection of Standard Ports are given in().AAdmiralty Maritime CommunicationsBAdmiralty Tide TablesCa comprehensive guide for the yachtsmanDALRS

3、The record of tests and inspection of

The record of tests and inspection of fire fighting equipment on board a ship must include().Athe name of the person conducting the testBthe weight of the chargeCrecommendations for the next testDAll of the above

4、The drift and set of tidal,river,and o

The drift and set of tidal,river,and ocean currents refer to the().Aposition and area of the currentBspeed and direction toward which the current flowsCtype and characteristic of the current's flowDNone of the above

5、The center of buoyancy and the metacen

The center of buoyancy and the metacenter are in the line of action of the buoyant force().Aonly when there is positive stabilityBonly when there is negative stabilityConly when there is neutral stabilityDat all time

6、The power and torque capability of the

The power and torque capability of the steering system must be such that the rudder can be swung from ()one side to()the other side with the ship at maximum speed.AA.35°;35°BB.35°;30°CC.15°;15°DD.28°;60°