可学答题网 > 问答 > (二)单项选择题题库,外贸外语题库
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We()the seminar sponsored by you in Se

We()the seminar sponsored by you in September last year.

  • Aaware
  • Baware of
  • Care aware of
  • Dare aware



1、As requested,we are sending you by air

As requested,we are sending you by airmail the samples of men’s shirts,()you will find them satisfactory.AhopeBto hopeChopingDhopefully

2、We look forward to()the goods in the f

We look forward to()the goods in the fourth quarter.Athe delivery ofByour deliveryCdeliverDdelivery

3、As requested, we are sending you by ai

As requested, we are sending you by airmail the samples of men’s shirts,()you will find them satisfactory.AhopeBtohopeChopingDhopefully

4、By mentioning the experiment in the se

By mentioning the experiment in the second paragraph,the author implies that______.( )A[A]our definition of what’s normal varies with genderB[B...

5、In tanker trade,the signing by master

In tanker trade,the signing by master the documents relating to the use of jetties and berths ()the shipowners thereby to pay for any damage caused to the jetties or berths by the vessel’s using them.AtiesBbindsCdoesDha

6、By saying“we’re going to look the othe

By saying“we’re going to look the other way in terms of what our laws are”(Line 2,Para.4),Mayor Anderson means“__________”. ...