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When administering artificial respirat

When administering artificial respiration to an adult, the breathing cycle should be repeated about ()

  • A12 to 15 times per minute
  • B18 to 20 times per minute
  • C20 to 25 times per minute
  • Das fast as possible

1、造作伤(artificial injury)

造作伤(artificial injury)

2、人工神经网络(artificial neural network,ANN)

人工神经网络(artificial neural network,ANN)

3、全球第一个MOOC课程是()大学的Artificial Intelligen

全球第一个MOOC课程是()大学的Artificial Intelligence。A斯坦福B剑桥C牛津D耶鲁

4、When administering artificial respirat

When administering artificial respiration, it is of the utmost important to ()Ause the mouth-to-mouth methodBclear airwaysCuse rhythmic pressure methodDknow all approved method

5、Before you begin administering artific

Before you begin administering artificial respiration, you should be sure the victim()Ais comfortableBis warmCis not bleedingDhas a clear airway

6、人工被动免疫(artificial passive immunization

人工被动免疫(artificial passive immunization)