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The sense relation of the following pa

The sense relation of the following pair of sentences is that_____. X: Mary“s pet cat was stolen. Y: Marry has a pet cat.

  • AX entails Y
  • BX presupposes Y
  • CX is inconsistent with Y
  • DX is synonymous with Y

考查语义关系。此题句意为:句子X“玛丽的宠物猫被偷了。”和句子Y“玛丽有一只宠物猫”是什么关系? X presupposes Y表示“X预设Y”。由句意可知,Y为X的先决条件,故句子X和句子Y为预设关系。故此题B正确。


1、The sense relation of the following pa

The sense relation of the following pair of sentences (see X and Y) is__________. X. Mary has been to Japan. Y. Mary has been to Asia.AX entails YBX presupposes YCX is inconsistent with YDX is synonymous with Y

2、Of which of the following did the auth

Of which of the following did the author provide a guardedly optimistic view?A[A]GDP growth.B[B]The number of layoffs.C[C]Price indexes.D[D]Output of consumer goods.

3、Which of the following is true of the

Which of the following is true of the OECD report?AIt criticizes government-funded research.BIt introduces an effective means of publication.CIt upsets profit-making journal publishers.DIt benefits scientific research considerably.

4、The study highlights how our sense of

The study highlights how our sense of right and wrong isn't just based on _, religion and philosophy, but also on the biology of our brain.Arising upBbring upCuprisingDupbringing

5、The purpose of a temperature sensing d

The purpose of a temperature sensing device installed in the stack of a small automatically fired auxiliary steam boiler is to secure the oil...

6、In relation to the turning circle of a

In relation to the turning circle of a ship , the term transfer means the distance().Agained in the direction of the original courseBgained ...